The future of wellness
The future of wellness is energy and frequency. Albert Einstein and Nicola Tesla were brilliant scientists well ahead of their time and both alluded to frequencies and vibration as being the future medicine!
Albert Einstein said everything is vibration and future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.
Nicola Tesla said if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, vibration and coherence. When we begin to study non-physical phenomenon, we will make more progress in one decade than throughout all previous science.
The AAPi recommended fee is $265, however, we do not generally charge this amount. Our standard private consultation fee is currently $180 for a 50 minute consultation, however, as of the 1st of January we will be increasing our fees. Some services and reports may attract GST.

Our Vibrational Frequencies
Dr Bruce Lipton who is very well known for his studies in stem cells states that 95% of all chronic disease is scientifically proven to be caused by stress and low frequency lifestyles. Stuck energy causes disease (we find issues in the tissues), and our primary emotions can turn genes on and off (epigenetics).
The 2 primary emotions of fear and love are at either end of a continuum and correspond with our vibrational frequencies. Sickness and suffering is occurring at lower vibration levels while happiness and health are occurring at higher vibrational levels. Similarly, anger and rage are low vibration energies. Underlying them is always fear and a feeling of powerlessness or vulnerability. When we stay calm and centred, we are empowered and we can sustain a high vibration.
Energy is Everything
When we hold this energy, we can speak our truths and live with integrity to be our authentic selves. When you change your energy, you change your life.
Everything is energy, the body cells can create and receive energy, sending specific frequencies that when messed up can make us unwell.
In order to reach the optimal state of being we need to tune into these frequencies and correct them to the optimal state of being.

How can we tune in?
With the Solex AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer
The AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer is a combination of technology from Russia, Germany, Spain, Asia, and the USA. Most if not all this technology is based on the works of Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife, Albert Einstein and others that theorised everything physical at its most fundamental level is actually energy frequency.
Biophysicists in Germany and Russia pioneered the work of identifying specific frequencies in the human body and compiled a database of more than 120,000 different frequencies. These frequencies are the same in every person.
Medical researchers in Germany believe that the health of an organ, tissue, system or cell structure within the body can be identified by passing micro current frequencies
through the body and measuring the current’s resistance.

​The Solex AO scan sends and receives energy, frequencies, vibration and resonance signals. Designed to scan and measure frequencies and compare to the Solex blueprint and corrects by emitting opposing frequencies so clear the chaos and confusing so that your body can rest and harmonise your body and mind.
Your vibration is your personal energy frequency. It is a culmination of every life you have ever lived, every thought you have ever had and every action you have ever performed. It is the energy that surrounds and permeates every cell in your body. Your vibration is your divine signature, your soul essence, and it is special only to you. Just as there are no two snowflakes alike, no two souls in the entire universe have the same name or "soul signature".
The vitals scan reads the energetic state of your blood biology to identify which areas are out of balance and then sends optimising frequencies to teach the body how to come back into balance.
The comprehensive scan reads and displays information from frequencies from over 130 parts of the body including organs, arteries, nerves, digestive system, lymphatics, etc or to identify unique frequencies that are not in an optimal state.
Pair with the SEFI Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter
The Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter (S.E.F.I.) is a device designed to capture, amplify and imprint subtle energy frequencies and can either broadcast or imprint those frequencies into a target object like a sugar pill, tincture, bracelet, necklace, ring, etc.
SEFI generates thousands of frequencies that address various imbalances in the body. It is like a radio broadcast sending out the correct frequencies to help us reach the optimal state of being.
To learn more visit https://www.solexglobal.com/ao-scan
More about AO Scan
AO Scan™ Technology is non-invasive and is certified by the International Theta Advisory Council (ITAC), a non-profit association as an independent audit and testing program to ensure high product quality standards. Similar to the field of Neuroscience, as a whole, very little is known about energy. We are proud to be at the forefront of this field, and we’re just scratching the surface of what is possible.
For more information, view the video below.
Please note: The AO Scan device is not a medical device and does not diagnose, treat or cure any disease.
Solex AO Scan™ Technology is truly one-of-a-kind and changing the way people approach their health. It empowers you with information to be more in tune with your body and its frequencies.
Sound Couch is a Solex distributor (QLA). Book a Comprehensive Scan with us. It is safe and non-invasive. Contact us today to learn more.
QLA distributor details are: Cassandra Revell ID: 31AFC87QLA

Awaken your Inner Being
Ancient cultures were aware of the power of raising our inner vibration and balancing our energies. Practises to awaken inner consciousness have been utilised for thousands of years and the western world is now rediscovering this knowledge.
CHAKRAS are real and have been studied by Valerie Hunt. They are the energy centres, right in the middle of our bodies and they are the fuse box, the portal, they are the key. We need to go within but if the energy centres are not open and coherent, then life energy cannot flow through. Joe Dispensa states that 95% if all life force energy is stuck in the 3 lower centres. This keeps us in the 3rd dimension (3D). There are actually more than the 7 chakras. It is understood there are 8-12 that have been discovered.
BREATH holds the key to awakening and is the pathway to different states of consciousness and dimensions. The breath is the fastest way to transform trauma and reset the nervous system.
MEDITATION allows the conscious mind to connect to the souls and identify itself and unified field of divine intelligence and the all-natural laws of the universe = Pure Consciousness.
SOUND HEALING is an effective and proven modality that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep sense of peace, well-being and better health.
HAWKINS SCALE OF CONSCIOUSNESS (Dr David R. Hawkins – book Power vs Force). The fastest way up is to identify what is dragging you down. You manifest what you are vibrating at.
At Sound Couch, we can help you to raise your vibration and awaken your inner being!
How we can Raise your Vibration
Sound Couch utilises a number of practices to support your journey in raising your vibration to improve your health and well-being.
What is a Psychologist?A psychologist is a professional trained in the science of how people think, feel, behave and learn. Psychologists working with clients in a therapeutic context undergo further professional development to continue to support their clients in the best possible manner and in the clinical setting, psychologists are experts in matters pertaining to mental health. Psychologists in Australia are required to be registered with the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA) and listed with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). The main difference between a Clinical Psychologist and a Generally Registered Psychologist relates mostly to their pathway to registration which has evolved over time.
What to expect when I see a Psychologist?Coming to counselling can feel daunting for any number of reasons and especially so if you have never been to counselling before. It can feel uncomfortable to talk to a complete stranger about your inner most thoughts and feelings. It might even feel exposing or embarassing, however, it is important for you to know that your psychologist is there to support you and you are in complete control over what you share and when you share information. A typical session lasts for 50 minutes. Your initial appointment usually involves your psychologist asking you a lot of questions to get a good idea of what is happening for you. You are also free to ask lots of questions! The following sessions are usually when the intervention begins and you can begin to work on the things that are important to you. Typically people book in for an initial 6 sessions in order to secure regular appointment slots and to ensure that we have adequate opportunity to make progress in the identified areas.
What are our Psychologist's Qualifications?Our Psychologist, Sandy Revell's qualifications/trainings include, but are not limited to the following: - Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology) (Honours). - Developmental Psychiatry Course (Post Graduate) with the Mindful Centre for Training and Research Developmental Health, University of Melbourne and Monash University; - Tuning into Kids and Tuning Into Teens with the Mindful Centre for Training and Research Developmental Health, University of Melbourne and Monash University; - MiCBT Training with Bruno Cayoun of the MiCBT Institute; - CBT Training with CBT Australia; -ACT with Dr Russ Harris, ACT with Louise Hayes; -EMDR with Chris Lee; EMDR with Graham Taylor; AF EMDR with Laurel Parnell; - Complex Trauma and Internal Family Systems (IFS) through PESI; - Non-Linear Applied Behaviour Analysis with IABA Australia; - Yoga Therapy and Yoga for Kids Training with Zenergy Yoga; - Couples Therapy (Gottman Method) Level 1 Clinical Training with The Gottman Institute; - Solex University - Basic Training - Board Approved Supervisor with AHPRA Psychology Board of Australia;- - Generally Registered Psychologist with AHPRAH

Contact Us
153 Ross River Road, Mundingburra, QLD, 4812
Phone: 0480 223 958
Fax: 07 4422 0023
Email: hello@comfortcouch.com.au
Web: comfortcouch.com.au